Mildew: Remove It From Your Elderly Parent's Home Today

If you find a white powdery residue all over your elderly parent's bathroom shower stall, kitchen sink, or window AC, call a residential mildew removal company soon. Mildew can is a type of fungus that grows on the surfaces of damp items. Mildew can make some people ill. Learn more about mildew and how a residential mildew removal company can help you below. 

What's Mildew?

Many people confuse mildew with mold, another type of fungus that uses spores to grow in damp environments. Although mold and mildew both require similar environments to grow, they aren't the same thing. Mold comes in various colors, including black and green. Mildew begins as a white or gray powdery substance, then turns brown over time. Mildew is also flat and loves to grow on the surfaces of objects. Mold is fuzzy and tends to take over the objects it grows on.   

Like mold, mildew can cause some health issues for humans, including fatigue, a stuffy nose, and wheezing. The fungus releases a musty odor similar to the odor given off by mold. The odors can irritate the nasal passages of some people. If your elderly parent suffers from asthma or allergies, the odors may make their symptoms worse over time.

You can try to remove the mildew from your loved one's home yourself. However, mildew that grows in multiple places can be dangerous and requires special cleaning to remove properly.

How Do You Remove Mildew?

You want to have a cleaning company or home sanitation provider remove the mildew from your elderly parent's residence. A company can use cleaning supplies that contain special mildew-removing ingredients in them, including fungicides. Fungicides don't just remove mildew from surfaces, the treatments destroy the spores that create it. 

A company may also dry out your loved one's home. Places, such as shower stalls and kitchen sinks, can stay damp during the day. A company can use cleaning supplies and fans to remove the moisture from your loved one's house so that it doesn't attract mildew spores. 

A company may also recommend you have a plumber visit your elderly parent's home and check the pipes and sinks. Leaking pipes and sinks can become havens for mildew and mold growth. If there's a leak in your loved one's home, it may be the source of their mildew problem.

Learn more about mildew and how to remove it by contacting a cleaning company or sanitation provider, such as Household Environmental, today. 

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Taking More Trash Out People in first world countries typically enjoy excellent sanitation standards. From filtered water and indoor plumbing to municipal trash systems, it can be easy to take sanitation for granted. However, over the course of a few years, it is entirely possible to start using these sanitations incorrectly, which can really be detrimental to the larger plan. The purpose of this website is to talk about how to maintain sanitation systems by using best practices in the comfort of your own home. Check out these tips for advice on how to make things better in the long run to protect the sanitation you enjoy.
