2 Key Ways To Keep Your Septic System Healthy

If you are not connected to your city's sewer system, you must have your own septic tank on your property to deal with all of the daily waste from your house. When you own your own septic tank, you will want to ensure that you do everything possible to keep it healthy and operating smoothly.

1. Get Regular Pumping

With a septic system, one of the essential things is to get it pumped regularly. Your septic tank is designed to break down human waste and filter your wastewater. It is not designed to break down paper towels, napkins, sanitary pads, and food waste. All of that "extra" junk that often goes down the drain in your home ends up sitting inside of the tank, turning into sludge. The materials the tank is not designed to break down will just sit there until they are removed. Fortunately, septic pumping can help.

With septic pumping, a truck with a hose attachment will come and send it into your tank. A high degree of suction is used to remove all the junk that your tank can't break down. This opens up more room in your tank so it can do its job.

If you don't pump regularly enough, your tank will get overwhelmed with waste and will not be able to filter your wastewater properly. Your exact pumping schedule will depend upon your household needs, but generally, every few years is a good idea.

2. Limit Waste That Can't Break Down

The second thing that you need to do when you have a septic system is limit the waste that goes down the drain that can't be broken down in the first place. For example, in the bathroom, always use biodegradable toilet paper that is marked as septic safe. Don't put napkins, paper towels, or paper products down the toilet. Likewise, have a trash can next to the toilet to dispose of other paper waste products.

In the kitchen, you should scrape all plates, pots, and pans into the trash can to keep food out of the drains. Put strainers in place to catch smaller food scraps. Keeping waste that can't break down out of your septic tank in the first place will put less strain on your system and allow for more extended periods in between pumping sessions.

When it comes to taking care of your septic tank, find a company you trust to pump your tank every few years and remove all the sludge. Work to reduce the sludge in your tank in the first place by keeping items out of your drain that your septic tank can't handle, like paper products and food waste. If you have more questions, contact a septic pumping service.

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About Me

Taking More Trash Out People in first world countries typically enjoy excellent sanitation standards. From filtered water and indoor plumbing to municipal trash systems, it can be easy to take sanitation for granted. However, over the course of a few years, it is entirely possible to start using these sanitations incorrectly, which can really be detrimental to the larger plan. The purpose of this website is to talk about how to maintain sanitation systems by using best practices in the comfort of your own home. Check out these tips for advice on how to make things better in the long run to protect the sanitation you enjoy.
